Preparing for Mosquito Season in North Carolina

Preparing for Mosquito Season in North Carolina

Mosquito season is here, but it’s not too late to get prepared! Besides being annoying, mosquitoes can transmit serious diseases to both humans and pets. Here are some quick and simple DIY tips to get prepared for mosquito season.

Clean your Gutters

With all this rain and wind happening lately, it’s probably safe to say you have accumulated some leaves and sticks in your gutters. Even those with guards in place can accumulate debris. It’s important to get all debris removed from gutters as it can cause the drainage to slow leaving enough standing water for mosquitoes to breed.

Remove Standing Water

You’ve handled the standing water in your gutters, but have you checked throughout your yard for any other potential trouble spots? Here are some common areas and items standing water can be found in your yard:

  • Pet bowls
  • Old tires
  • Low-lying ground
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Trashcan lids
  • AC drip pans

Use Mosquito-Repelling Plants

There are certain plants and flowers that can help deter mosquitoes. You may already have some in your garden, but if not, here are some that you can add:

  • Citronella
  • Lavender
  • Marigold
  • Basil
  • Rosemary

Fighting mosquitoes can seem like a never-ending battle, even after you’ve placed preventative measures around your home. Consider reaching out to your local pest control company for more information on professional mosquito control services.

Green Mosquito Control: An Eco-Friendly Option

Green Mosquito Control: An Eco-Friendly Option

Mosquito season is here! Summer rain brings humidity which allows mosquitoes to thrive during these months. Although mosquito season starts in spring, peak season is during the summer when temperatures are the hottest. Mosquito bites leave behind itchy, red welts and can also transmit dangerous diseases to humans and pets. Fortunately, there are a handful of green pest control options that you can use to control mosquitoes. Below are three steps you can take for green mosquito control.

 Identify Nesting and Resting Sites

The first step to mosquito prevention is identifying and eliminating what attracts them in the first place. Mosquitoes tend to come around in search of nesting sites and resting sites. All species of mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. While the type of water source may vary between species, it only takes a tiny amount of water for mosquitoes to hatch and develop. You can get rid of any potential breeding sites by:

  • Cleaning up debris around your home. Moisture can accumulate under piles of leaves, boards, mulch, rocks, and other outdoor items.
  • Walking around your yard and identifying any items that can hold water, such as pots, bird baths, toys, and planters. Empty them and store them upside down when not in use.
  • Repairing any poor drainage sites in your yard as this can lead to standing water.

 Protect Yourself from Bites

You should protect yourself from mosquito bites whenever you can. You can do so by:

  • Blowing them away. Any breeze makes it difficult for mosquitoes to fly. If you plan on spending time outdoors, consider using fans. Keep the air flow from the fans pointed at the lower half of your body as mosquitoes tend to fly closer to the ground to avoid the wind.
  • Avoiding peak mosquito hours. Mosquitoes tend to feed at dawn and dusk.
  • Applying insect repellent before going outdoors. When applying repellent, spray it onto your hands and rub it into your skin instead of spraying it directly on you.
  • Considering the use of plants that repel mosquitoes around your home such as citronella, lavender, lemongrass, marigolds, and basil.

 Applying Green Mosquito Treatments

Mosquito treatments vary in both effectiveness and longevity depending on where you live and what kind of climate you have. Regardless of your location, a green mosquito control program can be effective at helping control mosquitoes. Green mosquito control utilizes eco-friendly products that are just as effective as traditional products.

Our green mosquito reduction program includes an inspection to identify resting and nesting sites, larvicide and adulticides to target all aspects of the population, source reduction and elimination by removing any areas of standing water, plus a service guarantee where they can come back between treatments if needed, usually at no cost.

If you have a problem with mosquitoes or any other pests, contact your local professional pest control company. They should be able to provide you with a thorough inspection and the most up-to-date traditional and green treatment options available for you.

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